Medical Flights

In collaboration with other organizations, we are coordinating volunteers who are willing to travel to Haiti to provide medical assistance to the Earthquake victims.

Priority will be given to medical professionals with training or experience in Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Trauma Surgeons, Orthopedists, and Creole-speaking health care professionals.

Volunteers, if you haven’t already done so, please fill out this registration form, in order to receive regular updates on new available fights.



DepartureDate DepartureTime Airport AirlineFlight # # SeatsAvailable Cost Organization Contact Info Destination Length of Stay Return Date Return Time
1/23/10 Fort Pierce 30 Free Missionary Flights Harold Martin772-462-2304




1/21/10 MIA 10 Free Volunteer Ministry Organization Lisa Casimir404-808-2980

Madeleine Torchon


Port-au-Prince 10 days
2/17/10 Miami Free Greater Miami Jewish FederationMaimonidies Society Lori Drutz786-866-8414

Port-au-Prince 2/22/10
2/23/10 Miami 1-2 Free Order of Malta Leogane 3/2/10
4/17/10 15-20 Gaskov Clergé Foundation( Croix-Des-BouquetsPort-au-Prince 4/24/10


Flight Logistics:

  • Bring your passport and professional license
  • One backpack or carry-on luggage with enough food to sustain yourself for at least three to five days
  • A sleeping bag

You will be contacted once there is availability for you to depart.

Thank you for your continued support.

AMHE South Florida Chapter