Wednesday, March 01, 20238:00 PM to 9:30 PMWe are pleased to announce our speakers, Marie Marcelle Deschamps, MD and Scott Morgan, of GHESKIO and Haitian Global Health Alliance To discuss the following:I. “The health impact of GHESKIO on the Haitian community”
II. “The role of Haitian Global Health Alliance in supporting GHESKIO: Looking for new alliances for more impact”
Marie Marcelle Deschamps, MDDr. Deschamps is the Deputy Director and co-founder of GHESKIO centers. She is the Head of the women Health program and the operational manager of the Clinical research unit (CTU) at GHESKIO which includes the different components (laboratory, data management, pharmacy, regulatory, quality management, administration, and finance). Dr. Deschamps is a graduate of the University of Haiti (MD, 1979). Dr. Deschamps received post-graduate training in infectious diseases at the National Institute of Health (NIH) /NIAID in Bethesda Maryland (1982) and at the Center for Diseases control (CDC) in Atlanta/Georgia. (1984) She is the author of many peer-reviewed publications on clinical and interventional studies of HIV and its co-infections. Her research has focused on women health issues and on HIV/AIDS in Haitian women including risk factors for heterosexual transmission, HIV prevention programs for women, and ART strategies for pregnant women to prevent HIV transmission from mothers to infant. She introduces at the GHESKIO global health model: services for rape victims in 2000, access to micro credit to women as well as a primary and vocational school in 2010 for job opportunity. When the first two cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in Haiti in March 2020, she responded rapidly in developing guidelines and a surveillance program to monitor the evolution of the epidemic in Haiti in collaboration with the ministry of health. She has received numerous honors for her contributions to AIDS care and research, including the Legion of Merit from President Chirac in 2004, Le Haiti “Tresor” National Vivant in 2008, the Gates Award for Global Health in 2010. Leadership Award from the Haitian Global heath alliance (HGHA) 2022.  Scott Morgan HGHA Executive DirectorScott has 20 years of experience working in management within the non-profit sector specifically focused on HIV/AIDS, TB advocacy and global health. Scott leads fundraising and communications for the Haitian Global Health Alliance and partners with other organizations to secure gifts-in-kind, such as medical supplies, equipment and medications. Haitian Global Health Alliance (HGHA) is a U.S.-based, 501c3 whose mission is to support GHESKIO in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. GHESKIO (Groupe Haitien d’Etude du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes) is a Haitian non-governmental organization that has been for the past four (4) decades at the center of all efforts for the prevention and treatment of HIV and related infections in Haiti. GHESKIO’s tripart mission is medical treatment, observational research and training. In 2000, the Haitian government designated GHESKIO a “Public Utility,” a status reserved for institutions “essential to the welfare of the Haitian people”. GHESKIO works in partnership with the Haitian Ministry of Health.
GHESKIO’s mission is to offer global health services to patients, provide training for medical and non-medical personnel, and conduct operational research with a focus on HIV/AIDS and associated diseases such as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), TB, and diarrheal diseases. Through its research efforts, GHESKIO defines HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention models for Haiti and other resource-poor settings. Furthermore, GHESKIO expands these models to the national level through training initiatives, provide supervision, administrative support, financial oversight, and continuing quality control for all HIV, TB and other clinical services.Register for the upcoming General Assembly Meeting.RSVPIf you are interested in joining AMHE Florida or would like update membership, click below.Join AMHE or Pay DuesDo you know a colleague who would be interested in our events? Please add them to our emailing list.Join Emailing List |